Friday, August 21, 2009

Ok Ok Ok!!! I know!!! I'm not a 'real blogger'. I have been an awful blogger!! lol Sorry I haven't updated til now but to tell you the truth.....I haven't had the energy inside myself to blog about the same problems or emotions that I've been feeling since my last post. It's a ongoing delema and it really rips at your soul. But today I'm here and that's all that counts, right??

So no BIG news or shock to find out peeing on stick this cycle has inevitably resulted in the same outcome. BFN (Big Fat Negative!!!) We are now moving on (hopefully) to another round of IVF in Sept or Oct. It's all in the 'insurance companies' hands. Isn't it always??? I fought so long and hard to finally be approved for some coverage such as this and I'm still in limbo because it STILL has to be approved through them!!!! Here we go again. I spoke with the financial advisor at the Clinic yesterday & said she submitted the 'paperwork' for IVF to them around 4 weeks ago. Yippee Ky Yay M'er F'er!!!! So we wait.....biting our nails......clinching at some shear of hope that this may be possible one more time!! So will it be........... the END OF ROAD for us or.......tears of joy that we will be blessed with 'another try'? Let's all pray it's not the end my dear friends.



I am so sorry for your BFN. I have prayed and will continue to do so. Many Blessings,

Kami said...

Oh Lorrie. This will be it. The insurance will approve it and you will have your IVF in Sept- Oct. I just know it! You better or I will go ring their necks! I just need an address, that's all. I am praying for you daily. I know this is hard but I believe God has His plans and they will be good!!

Love you,