Saturday, August 22, 2009

Today she came....

Well as expected....the 'witch' is in town as of this morning!! The good ole 'reassurance' that one day I may be able to conceive a child because really without her making a 'regular' appearance every month, I'd be clearly out of luck!
With this said, we shall now wait & see if IVF is approved or not. Like I mentioned in my previous post, it's all in the insurance company hands now. A scary place to be really. Monday my 3rd day bloodwork is scheduled to commence the IVF process, but as I told the nurse on Wednesday, I won't be going through with my appointment if it's not approved. Unfortunately & very sadly, the road will end there. It would be quite the heart break if after fighting for so long to find insurance coverage (even if it's not full coverage) it came down to this!! Beyond crushing....really. Please pray for us as we try to embark on another chance on this journey. I will KUP!
**If we do go ahead with IVF, I wanted to let anyone out there reading my blog know that I am looking for med donations. Paying for the copay on IVF is going to break us as it is. Times are tough, as for many of us. If you have any Gonal-f and/or Menopur left over it would be great appreciated. Much Love.



Lorrie, I have thought of you often. I hope the insurance company will pay for your treatments. When do you think you will know? I pray that it happens for you soon. Thanks for adding my button. If you get one please let me know. I would love to add it to my site. You are on my blog roll. I am here if you want to email me anytime privately. Audrey

Lorrie S said...

Thanks so much Audrey. You are very kind. I will hopefully know something on Monday at my appointment. The financial lady said to come and see her after my bloodwork is done. I hope she knows something by then. I really hate to have to drag this on any longer. I've waited way too long for this and now I still have to wait on insurance. I'll surely post when I know something. Lorrie

Amy said...

Hey lady! I just wanted to stop by and wish you luck tomorrow.. I will text you in the morning.. My trigger shot is yours if I get my BFP this month.. I will keep you in my prayers tonight.. I'm off to stick my butt with a needle.. LOL
