Friday, August 28, 2009

GOD IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today is a day of blessing! A day in my life that for the last year or so I thought would never come. The thought of another IVF cycle not being possible again is no more!!

We have been approved by our insurance for 3.....YES 3 IVF cycles!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We have until July 2010 to use them. By the grace of God and all his blessings I am beyond relief. When April's (out of pocket) IVF cycle failed, I was beyond devastated. I was sad beyond words.

This day was not possible in my mind. I needed to be approved for a better insurance and thought there's just no way THAT will ever happen. Thinking our TTC days through fertility treatment were something of the HOPE in sight. God showed me that things are possible if your desires are from the heart. He heard my endless cries for a second chance. I know IVF is created by human life on earth, but the Lord is the only way of making such creations possible for human life. To bring such miracles to help women like me. I am grateful.

Thank you God. I love you. I know you will follow me through this and be with me every step of the way. I have Faith in you. The path you have set before me is the path you want me to follow. You will lead me to my hearts desires of becoming a Mother. I know you will. When the time is right for me. Amen.


Tracey said...

Lorrie, I am so full of joy for you! I even mentioned you in my blog post today.

I prayed so hard for you that things would work out. I shared your frustrations your worries and your fears. Yet, I still had hope.

Just to see how the Lord works truly moves me to tears. What a wonderful reminder that God's hand never, ever lets go of ours.

I praise Him today along with you my friend. I am just so very, very happy for you. Love you!


Lorrie, I am so happy for you. I have prayed for you and added you to my prayer requests. The Power Of Prayer Is Awesome. I was so glad to read your good news. I am praying you conceive soon. I can't wait to read all of your updates. What a beautiful button. I added it to my blog, but when clicking on it, It shows page not found. I wanted you to know, I want others to be able to click on your button. Thank You for updating. Many Prayers.

Charity said...

Amen indeed.