Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Insurance companies.....UGH!

Good Morning everyone! Here's where I'm at.

Went in for my CD3 b/w and u/s yesterday. FSH 7 (wow!) and all my other numbers were great as well! I was given the ok to start BCP's (birth control). I'm not a fan of this process but we must do what we must. I'm still in limbo with the insurance company and them approving this IVF cycle. I can only HOPE & PRAY. My nurse said that she really thinks they were waiting for my CD3 tests before they approve the cycle. She said it was mentioned in the paperwork from their office. So we shall see. I hope she's right!

Much blessings to my friend Amy as she embarks on her 2WW tomorrow!!! Stick little beans STICK!! xox

I will KUP on the outcome with my insurance. =)


Tracey said...

Lorrie, I continue to hold you close in thought and prayers. I know how much of an twity, turny emotional road this has been for you. Yesterday brought good news about the u/s and b/w and I just have to continue to hope that this is just a precursor of good things get to come. Love you!

Tracey said...

Okay, so you know that word was supposed to be twisty, right...LOL!

Lorrie S said...

LOL!! Love you too girl!

You noticed the song on my blog page?? It goes out to all TTCer's out there! It's a sad song but so dear to my heart. xox


Lorrie, I have thought of you and hope the insurance company will cover everything. I pray you conceive soon. Blessings,

Lorrie S said...

Audrey, As always, I'm leaving it upto God =) Thank you so much for thinking of me.