Monday, March 8, 2010

Another set back....

Quick update. Well, I went in this morning to have blood work and an ultra sound to make sure all was well (ovaries etc) to start injects on Wednesday and the tech found a cyst on my left ovary. I am in such shock as to how many ordeals I've been going through since December 26th (my miscarriage day).

As I was getting dressed after my appointment, I spoke with God. I told Him that I'm giving the ENTIRE cycle to Him. I can not be stressed about it. I can only do what I can do.

I have to continue birth control pills and go back on Wednesday morning for a repeat appt. I'll KUP. :-/

God Bless


WSU505 said...

Lorrie I'm so sorry you have been thru so much. I hope you're able to get started soon.

Justine H said...

I had three monster 30mm cysts on my ovaries (1 on left, 2 on right, assumed from Clomid) and I was able to move forward with my IVF cycle (and had a DD from it). My BW told them the cysts were non functioning (meaning not producing hormones). My RE aspirated them at my ER, dont fret love, it will be fine!

Lollypop Mom from TWW

Lorrie S said...

Thanks girls.

Justine. Mine is a 'functional cyst'. It's producing hormones. My first E2 was 92 then 2 days later it was 132. I'm waiting for my number today. The cyst has grown quite a bit since last Wednesday.
:( but not enough to aspirate it at this point. Not far though.
It's all so heartbreaking to keep going through brick walls.

Charity said...

I am so sorry to hear more issues.. I have cysts there too but I am sure with IVF it is not something you want to be going on right now.