Now I'll share the pee sticks picture with you all, as I was keeping that 'obsession' this week to myself. Seeing how it's all gone 'down-hill' since my beautiful BFP (Big Fat Positive)4 days ago, you will have to agree whether the following ones were 'tweaked' or you can see a faint line. Realistically and honestly, things don't look good. This looks like what is called a 'Chemical Pregnancy'. It's where the egg never implants or barely, giving you a positive because your body starts producing the HCG hormone.
I really hope to be 'that woman who proves the pee sticks wrong' but I'm not so sure that I will be.
FAITH lies in Gods hands tomorrow for a positive outcome.
Pardon me for the introucion, but I have seen a few of your posts on TWW and wanted to check in as I have been routing for you along the sidelines!
Im sorry you have to go through this, I did a FET in November last year and had the same thing happen, got a + and it was getting lighter.
HOWEVER, if it does turn out it was a chemical (and dont be so sure just yet), please do not think it was because the embryo did not implant, untrue, infact it did, but did not develop (thats what my RE told me), so I think that should put to rest your fears that you have implanting issues.
Oh, Lorrie, I know you are feeling like this is already over before it really began and I wish there was something I could do or say to take this sadness and doubt away from you.
I want to continue to cling to hope and that tomorrow will prove your gut and those pee sticks wrong.
I want to hug you and tell you in person that everything is going to be okay and your friend (me) is there with be with you no matter the outcome.
I want this to be over with you with a happy ending.
In the meantime, I will pray and pray and pray.
Love you my friend!
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