Friday, October 16, 2009

Beta confirmed......Negative =(

Thanks everyone.

I will need time to regroup & work hard on regaining some strength to try again.

The hardest thing I had to do today beside (for myself) go for blood work knowing what the outcome would be was calling my Mom to let her know it didn't take. She's 82. She said she felt something wasn't going to turn out right because I was spotting. She had her 'mother's intuition'. She prepared herself for the worst. It was hard telling her because she was the FIRST person I called when I finally got a positive! I was so happy to tell her that her baby is finally going to have a baby.

I'm carrying alot of sadness for having told so many people so soon. I was just so happy to finally be at that moment in time. Sadly, I will not be doing that again. This loss has taken that away from me.

Thanks to all who follow my journey, post comments and keep me in their prayers. I know God hears them, I just don't know why things happen. But I keep reminding myself that there are far worse off than me in this world. So much more sadness than the loss I'm feeling. It don't make me feel better, but it's makes me realize not to dwell too long when there's HOPE to take hold of & move on and try again. But I do need to grieve and I will take some time to do so and find that inner peace again & prepare myself for another try.

God Bless.




((Lorrie)), I am so very sorry. I pray you find Peace and Comfort. May God bless you and ease your pain. I pray for you everyday and when you are ready, I will be here. Audrey

Nicole said...

Did they say why it might not have held? after my miscarriages, they made me take progesterone suppositories twice a day to maintain my pregnancies and I know of at least one other woman who also had to do that. ASK! you do not have endless money, even if they dont think the progesterone wont help, it cant HURT.

Lorrie S said...

Thanks Audrey - HUGS.

Nicole - I've always been put on progestrone vag supp for every treatment, it's protocol. Also baby aspirin & prenatals the entire time as well.