Monday, September 21, 2009

Short update

Went in today for my first ultra sound and blood work since I started injections last Wednesday. The first appointment is always kind of boring to us because it's a quick look at how many follicles you have growing but still not a definate of what's going to be the final count. So it was approx 15 eggs that were seen this morning. I was shocked that I had so many! Last IVF in April I remember our first appointment we had 11 and they ended up retreiving 10. So maybe this will be the case once again and we might get a few more. :-)

I continue the same protocol as I've been doing and I go back on Wednesday to see how things are coming along.

I'll KUP!



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Lorrie, I Pray you conceive soon. Hope to hear great news Wednesday. Thank You for the update.

Tracey said...

Lorrie, this is just a sign of WONDERFUL things yet to come with this IVF cycle...I just know it!

Love you!


Charity said...

My prayers and hopes are always with you. God bless!

Fig a.k.a. Crunchy said...

Lorrie thats great, I hope your follies continue to develope. Good luck to you. I'm rooting for you :)