Thursday, September 10, 2009

Let's get this show on the road!

Great news everyone! Glucose test came back 'normal'!! No diabetes for this puppy!

IVF protocol is in! I'm almost done with the BCP (birth control) part of it which I'm ecstatic over to say the least! Sunday is my last day!! YIPPEEEEEE! =) Monday I go in for my Lupron ultra sound & blood work. It's no different than any other appointment, they just call it that because it's the start of a new cycle after taking BCP's. They make sure your body is right where it needs to be so they can control it. The Lupron (evil drug mind you) is what many women my age start with. So, Wednesday (9/16) I'll be starting Lupron, then Friday (9/18) stims (Gonal-f & Menopur). I'm excited to get this ball rolling!

I'm feeling great about this cycle. I'm placing all my FAITH in one 'TTC' bucket and throwing caution to the wind! My RE (reproductive specialist) took a very good, long look at my uterus at yesterday's MOCK ultra sound (this is where they place a catheter into your uterus and inject saline to see if the uterus lining has any adnormalties, polyps, etc) and he said it looked great! Last IVF cycle back in March, polyps were found and a week later removed & scraping of some kind to my lining was done as well. I guess my lining had other issues at the time. Makes me wonder if maybe that's why I didn't get pregnant? Who knows. No looking back! Moving forward!

All I know is I am so blessed to have the opportunity to try IVF again. Like my title says "Let's get this show on the road!" :-D


Tracey said...

I am soooooo ready for you to get this show on the road my friend! I want you to be able to shout it from the mountain top...I AM PREGNANT - - THANK YOU MOST AWESOME GOD!

Love you!


Charity said...

Glad you have everything looking normal!!!