Wednesday, September 30, 2009

LUCKY 7???

Sorry I've been MIA for a week. I was so tired and emotional that I couldn't find the energy to post. But here I am with some news.

After 10 days of injections and appointment after appointment we have finally arrived at 'that moment'! Sunday night I triggered and Tuesday morning had my egg retreival. They retreived 15 eggs! I was so excited and shocked at the outcome. Very proud though. Alot of women 1/2 my age sometimes don't produce that many. So needless to say the excitement came to a hault this morning when I got the call that only 7 of the 15 eggs were mature. But on a good note, all 7 were fertilized!! So I guess I can look at that as 100% success!
Now it's the waiting game. Tomorrow (Thursday) I should get another call in the morning with an update on how the 7 are doing. LUCKY 7 right?? Well all I know is it's out of my hands. I Hope and Pray that all 7 grow strong and make transfer and maybe have at least 3-4 to freeze. That would be such a blessing. Even though I already feel so blessed to have the chance to do another IVF.
Please pray for my embryo's to be strong and grow to one day give me the miracle I've been longing for for so long. I will be continuing acupuncture as well to help with the implanting process. I promise to keep you updated in the days to come.

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