Thursday, August 19, 2010


Well here I am, on my FINAL IVF journey. Well with my own eggs that is. Now I wait to see if it worked. Not feeling like it did, but again it's very early in the game. Game??? Why would I even say that? I guess after so many years of this I don't know what to call it anymore.

Here are my stats from this cycle:

IVF #4
Egg Retrieval was 8/15 (13 eggs - 6 mature - 5 fertilized)
Egg Transfer was 8/18 a 3 day transfer. We transferred all 5 embies
Beta is on 9/2/10

Praying for my MIRACLE



Lorrie, Thank You so much for updating. I have been thinking about you and praying this IVF cycle goes perfectly... With you a blessing at the end. Praying for all 5 babies.

I can't wait to hear great news on Sept. 2nd. Praying for a BFP with super great betas. How are you feeling? Much Love,

Lorrie S said...

Thank you so much Audrey. I hope and pray for the same outcome as well.

I've been feeling moody and negative. I don't like these uncontrolable feelings, but I can't shake them. I start each day with trying to be positive and it turns around. Today has been better, but there's quite a few more days ahead to conquor.

God Bless.


Charity said...

Lorrie I love you my friend. I hurt when you hurt. I continue to pray that you get what you have wanted and wait for, for so long. <3

Lorrie S said...

Thanks Charity, but it's not going to happen. Negative once again. Reminding me that my dream is so distant and is probably not going to ever be a reality.