Thursday, March 10, 2011

Mammo - check!
Blood/Lab Work - check!
Cultures - check!

Tom and I are D-O-N-E!!!! I won't lie, it was a hectic early morning run, with Mammo at 8am, labwork at 9:45am then cultures at 10am at the OB's office, but all worth it. Well now I can say that. lol.

I worked myself up so badly all week long, or should I say for the last 2 weeks over that darn Mammogram!! UGH! It was my first one ever (yes I know, bad girl) and I've heard so many horror stories that it just kept playing on my mind. But let me assure you, there was no horror about it. As the tech said, women are dramatic! She wasn't lying!

So needless to say, we're done with all the testing. Now what the results will be, that's another story, but I'll keep positive that all will be okay. All that I have left is my Mock transfer and Saline Ultrasound, but that I'll have done when I start my cycle of birth control. Hoping in May.

I'll KUP! ;-)

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