Monday, January 4, 2010

A Break :(

I'm on a break....emotions are high, trying to get myself back together again. I guess I now know what 'Humpty Dumpty' felt like.

We'll probably do another IVF cycle (#4) in March I would think. That's if my body goes back to normal by then & of course if I find the meds that I need for it. If there's anyone reading this or know of someone who has any Follistim left over and wishes to donate them, feel free to email me:

I'm so depressed just thinking about doing it all again. First a month of birth control pills, then the shots, the running up the road every other day, then everyday towards the end, then staying at a hotel going under anesthesia again, then waiting on the news of how many fertilized and make it to day 3 or even day 5 if I'm so blessed a second time around. Then going back up the road 2 1/2 hours for Egg Transfer & then of course the dreadful 2 week wait....Hoping and Praying that it worked. And if I'm blessed again, just to worry all over again if I'm going to miscarry.

I just don't know anymore...I'm feeling really down and out. I guess I'm at 'a pitty party' that only I am invited to.

God Bless.


1 comment:

Charity said...

It is ok to feel down. We are all here for you and it is good to get the emotions out. Just remember that once you hold your child in your arms all of this struggling that you have gone through will go right out the window. I continue to pray for you my dear friend. You will be a great mother we just gotta keep you pregnant. <3