Thursday, October 1, 2009

That time is here!!!!

Yes folks! Tomorrow is our 3 day transfer! I will have my babies (embryo's) with me litterly!! They will be home where they belong nestled inside my uterus. Please pray for us!

God, my new RE is so nice. He just called me to tell me the update again (my nurse called originally this morning). I have 7 embies growing, one 2 cell, four (beautiful) 4 cells, one 5 cell & one 6 cell. He said that the 2 that are 5 and 6 cell are not his best choice because they aren't that healthy in terms of fragmintations. But he did say that the 2 cell and all 4 cells are beautiful. He wants to transfer all 5!! :omg: It scares me but I know at my age the chances of one sticking is hard enough as it is. He is just so sweet, the way he talks to me and his concerns and is so genuine. Very kind soul, you can tell he really cares.

He doesn't have to call me again tomorrow but he said he will in the morning to let me know how my embies are doing & what to expect when I come in the afternoon for my transfer. Like I said, he is very very nice. I'm so glad I switched RE's and nurse. What a total difference.

I'll KUAP and keep praying for my babies xox

1 comment:


Lorrie, I am Praying and so excited for you... I can't wait to read more. Thank You for explaining your procedures. Many Thoughts and Prayers for you and your babies. Blessings,